"Parallax" is designed by Michael Rock of the award-winning design firm 2x4. The result is a book that provides a personal tour of the work of one of the world's most esteemed architects. Publication date 2000 Topics Holl, Steven - Themes, motives, Architecture - United States - History - 20th century Publisher. Event-Cities 2 by Bernard Tschumi The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000 692 pp, 500 mono illus ISBN 4-3 Price £23.95, 35 (pb). 'Parallax traces Holls ideas on topics as diverse as the 'chemistry of matter' and the 'pressure of light,' and shows how they emerge in his architectural work: 'strange attractors' at Cranbrook, 'porosity' in his new dormitory at MIT, 'tripleness' in the new Bellevue Art Museum in Washington. STEVEN HOLL BIOGRAPHYSteven Holl was born in 1947 in Bremerton, Washington. S E M I N A R STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS Steven Holl was born in 1947 in Bremerton, WashingtonBY8 TH SEM RAJIB LOCHAN NAIK 2.
Parallax steven holl .pdf pdf#
"Parallax" traces Holl's ideas on topics as diverse as the "chemistry of matter" and the "pressure of light," and shows how they emerge in his architectural work: "strange attractors" at Cranbrook, "porosity" in his new dormitory at MIT, "tripleness" in the new Bellevue Art Museum in Washington. Parallax by Steven Holl, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2000 384 pp, 110 colour and 290 mono illus ISBN 1-56898-261-5 Price 40 (hb). pdf - ayfasr Presentation rajib for architect steven holl 1. Holl reveals his working methods in this, his biggest and most ambitious book yet on his work-part treatise, part manifesto, and part, as Holl writes, "liner notes" to fifteen recent projects, some never before published. What makes Steven Holl one of the most celebrated architects working today? As we learn in "Parallax, " his success comes from his sculptural form making, his interest in the poetics of space, color, and materiality, and his fascination with scientific phenomena.